Monday, November 26, 2007

Silly Boys =

Really cute pictures!!!!!!Laughing at Drew
Can you believe the boys brought Luke to me dressed like this?
Ride 'em cowboys!
(Too bad the horse is in such sad shape - over time, they have slowly ripped out the mane.)
Aidan walked off in the middle of the shot:)
I sure am a cute cowboy!!!!


Beth said...

Love the underwear. It's just what my brothers would do... they might have done it to Caleb. I know they dressed him up in hats.

K. Humby said...

Hey... I'll go for a ride with that cowboy anytime! What a cute hunk!!!

Kelley said...

We have 3 pairs of Glow in the Dark Star Wars underwear that was given to us as a gag gift when we got married. I kept them since one day we might have a little boy. Seeing Luke dressed up like that made me think of it. He's such a cute little chunk!

Kevin, Sonya, Claire & Max said...

Luke should try a combo of those outfits...say the cowboyhat and the underwear! He looks so happy.

j.j. said...

Luke is looking so grown up! He has such a cute smile.