Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Family - the adults

Some of these could be better, but at least
I can share some pics of my family. DADI love this one of my mom!!!
My brother-in-law, Rob and brother, Ren.Ren and Katie
Ren's wife, Michelle and my youngest sister, Martha.


Julie said...

That's great that you guys all were able to go home at the same time. I wish we could have gone to GA last weekend so I could have seen you....hopefully that will work out sometime soon.

j.j. said...

Thanks for posting extended family pictures! I really enjoyed getting to see pictures of the children - they are all so cute.
It's amazing you were all able to get together at the same time - was it a special occasion?

Kevin, Sonya, Claire & Max said...

Rach - nice to see family pics. Martha really looks like you.


Rebecca said...

Cute pictures! I wish I had taken pictures while you and Katie were here. I was glad yall could stop by! Goodness, I haven't seen your family in forever and everyone looks so grown up. Are we grown ups!? When did this happen...