This series of pics were taken one night during Luke's "fussy" period in the evening. Mind you, he is such a happy, easy-going baby, that even when he is out of sorts, he is probably no worse than the average happy baby:)
Can you guess what is catching his eye?
It is super interesting!!!
You better not quit....
quit what???
Did it ever cross your mind that Patrick and his guitar would be the focal point?
Luke almost always sat happily for the last hour before bedtime enjoying the music.
So cute!! And I think Stephen had that outfit too. :)
Hmmm... I think I saw ever so slightly a little bit of a "Charis-look" in the side profile!?! Of course, Luke is as handsome as ever! Charis, likewise, seems to enjoy music. Unfortunately, she has decided to "scream and yelp" during my practice which is not very helpful. Does Lukey try to imitate the guitar at all? (p.s. Why have I never heard Patrick play? :)
I didn't realize Patrick played. Greta loves to be sung to. Lately she gets fussy when she gets her diaper changed (hates being laid down and not able to move) so I've been singing Winnie the Pooh to her and it almost always calms her. It amuses me though that I'm singing a song about Pooh when I'm likely changing someone who "pooed"
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