Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Cutest Thumb Sucker Around

This was one of the first places where he really got the hang of keeping his thumb in his mouth.
Pacie is going to be so lonely. Sometimes he starts off with it, but then it is quickly replaced.
Where could my thumb be?

Time to wake up little one.


Beth said...

I love thumb suckers!!! Stephen's one and it makes things so much easier. lol He's so cute. :)

K. Humby said...

How adorable! Thanks for the pics!!! He definitely looks comfortable and adept at his newest enjoyment. I guess one can't tell for certain, but are his eyes going to remain blue?

j.j. said...

He's adorable! Lauren has also found her thumb and definitely prefers it to a paci. It is nice having a baby who can (or at least is learning) to self-soothe.